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Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev12345678...21NextBetter Business Bureau of Northern IndianaProfileBBB.org4011 ParnellFort Wayne, IN 46805800-552-4631EmailNichole Thomas, Director of Comm, PR, Community Outreach; EmailRick Walz, Vice President/COO; EmailProfessional, Business & Community Services & ResourcesBig Express Car Wash & Detail US Hwy 20Michigan City, IN 46360219-809-9499Fax: 219-809-9498EmailBig Express Wash is a state-of-the-art automatic tunnel car wash and a professional vehicle detailing center.Luke Sybert, General Manager; EmailAutomobile Dealers, Repair & Service CentersBiggby Coffee ShopProfileBiggby.com3401 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-809-9956EmailBiggby Coffee is a coffee shop that exists to support people in building the life they love.Michael Martinez, Owner; EmailJustin Neal, Owner; EmailRestaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & BarsBlak CorporationProfileBlakCorp.com8633 W. 400 NorthMichigan City, IN 46360219-229-8842219-879-2525EmailBlak Corporation is a design and manufacturing consultant. Automotive manufacturing engeering, computer engineer.ConsultantsBlocksom & CompanyProfileBlocksom.com428 E Fifth StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-878-4458Fax: 219-874-3752EmailManufacturer of natural fiber, non-woven media, and pads, predominately to provide to provide sustainable air filtration solutions for industrial and commercial needs.John Hammons, Plant Manager; EmailManufacturingBlue Chip Casino, Hotel & SpaProfileBlueChipCasino.com777 Blue Chip DriveMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-7711Fax: 219-877-2112 or 877-2133EmailA world class casino and resort hotel. A Boyd Gaming Property.Angela Gaghan, Director of Sales & Catering; EmailBrenda Temple, Vice President & General Manager; EmailRecreation & Entertainment, Lodging & Vacation Rentals, Event Centers and PlannersBob Nelson Manufacturers RepresentativeProfileBobNelsonMR.com204 Andover DriveValparaiso, IN 46383231-920-0422EmailManufacturers representative for printing, packaging, and promotional material.Media & Communication Sales & ServicesBooXkeeping Northwest E 110th Ave, Suite 5Crown Point, IN 46307219-340-2244EmailFrom bookkeeping and payroll services to financial reporting and business insights, BooXkeeping is your all-in-one solution to make managing business finances easy.Amber Bol, Owner; EmailAccounting, Bookkeeping, & Tax ServicesBosak Honda of Michigan CityProfileBosakHondaMC.com710 E. US Highway 20Michigan City, IN 46360219-874-4293Fax: 219-874-9644EmailNew and used automobile dealer with service and parts departments. Honda franchise.Ralph Fine; EmailAutomobile Dealers, Repair & Service CentersOtis R. Bowen CenterProfileBowenCenter.orgP.O. Box 495Michigan City, IN 46361800-342-5653 ext 3796Fax: 574-371-0748EmailBowen Center’s mission is to positively impact the quality of life of those we serve by providing professional, caring, cost-effective behavioral healthcare services.Ameenah Starks, Assistant Director; EmailMental & Behavioral Health Services, Hospitals, Doctors, Opticians, Clinics & Medical CentersBoys and Girls Clubs of La Porte CountyProfilewww.bgclpc.org321 Detroit StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-2298Fax: 219-874-4519EmailProvides free youth development programming that supports Academic Success, Character & Citizenship and Healthy Lifestyles.Claudia Biela, Office Manager; EmailMichelle Shirk, Chief Executive Officer; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsBraje, Nelson & Janes, LLPProfileBraje-Nelson.com126 E. 5th Street, P.O. Box 1006Michigan City, IN 46360219-872-2100Fax: 219-873-9163Craig Braje, AttorneyWilliam Nelson, Jr., AttorneyLegal ServicesBrandt's Old Fashion Feed, Pet & Wildlife W. US Hwy 12Michigan City, IN 46360219-874-4188Fax: 219-874-2441EmailBrandt's in LaPorte County is the spiffiest emporium featuring a complete line of pet and wildlife supplies complimented by an experienced staff celebrating the perfection of knowledgeable service.Erik Bernethy, President; EmailVeterinarians, Animal Shelters, Pet Supply Sales & ServicesBriar Leaf Golf ClubProfileBriarLeaf.com3233 N. SR 39La Porte, IN 46350219-326-1992Fax: 219-326-0091EmailFun and Challenging featuring an island green, Briar Leaf is a favorite with area golfers. PGA instruction, complete practice facilities and the best outing venue in the area.Triecia Roberts, Manager; EmailJay Williams, Golf Pro; EmailNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & Associations, Recreation & EntertainmentBridge InnProfileBridgeInnMC.com510 East 2nd StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-561-0066Email14-suite hotel on the waterfront in Michigan CityAnna Radtke, Manager; EmailLodging & Vacation RentalsFinished Edge, LLC.ProfileBrimarWood.com2108 Eisenhower Drive NGoshen, IN 46526574-535-0024EmailFINISHED EDGE, LLC. d.b.a. BriMar Wood Innovations is a furniture and flat panel manufacturer located in Goshen, Indiana – the heartland of America.Aimee Johnston, Office Manager; EmailManufacturingBuffalo Wild WingsProfileBuffalowildwings.com4027 Franklin St.Michigan City, IN 46360219-814-4265EmailBuffalo Wild Wings is a family friendly, sports centric, restaurant and sports bar.Brandon Jones, Franchise Owner; EmailRestaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & Bars, Specialty Snack & Food ShopsBurn 'Em BrewingProfileBurnEmBrewing.com1215 E 2nd StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-210-3784EmailWe brew our own beer and serve it onsite as well as distributes it all over the state.Steven Murray, Owner; EmailBreweries, Wineries, Distilleries, and Cideries, Restaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & BarsCaddo Connections, Inc.ProfileCaddoConnections.com2833 N. Goldring RoadLa Porte, IN 46350219-874-8119Fax: 219-873-0003EmailManufacturer of wire leads, wiring harnesses, instrument and control panels.Julie Stroud, Vice President; EmailManufacturingCadence- Properties, IN.ProfileCadenceEnvironmental.com1 Cadence Park PlazaMichigan City, IN 46360713-824-9744EmailDevelop and market waste to energy, and waste combustion technologies to cement industry. Also supply waste derived fuels to cement industry.Tom Lane, VP of Finance; EmailAlternative Energy Services, Recycling, Compactor & Refuse Removal ServicesNew SearchPrev12345678...21NextChamber Members | Chamber Events Calendar | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Postings & Volunteer Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | Request Information Upcoming EventsFri14 Annual Chamber Awards DinnerMar 14th @ 5:00 PMThu20 Rockstar BingoMar 20th @ 5:30 PMTue25 Business Before Hours: Fluid Coffee RoastersMar 25th @ 8:00 AMTue25 Ribbon Cutting: Diamond Martial Arts & FitnessMar 25th @ 3:00 PMThu27 Leaders and Readers Book ClubMar 27th @ 4:00 PM 2025 Diamond, Platinum, & Gold Members