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Schools & Education Programs & ServicesNew SearchPrev12NextBoys and Girls Clubs of La Porte CountyProfilewww.bgclpc.org321 Detroit StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-2298Fax: 219-874-4519EmailProvides free youth development programming that supports Academic Success, Character & Citizenship and Healthy Lifestyles.Claudia Biela, Office Manager; EmailMichelle Shirk, Chief Executive Officer; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsCenter of Workforce InnovationsProfilewww.cwicorp.com2804 Boilermaker Court, Suite EValparaiso, IN 46383219-462-2940Fax: 219-465-6860Lisa Daugherty, President and CEO; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsDiscovery Charter SchoolProfileDiscoveryCharter.org800 Canonie DrivePorter, IN 46304219-983-9800Fax: 219-929-5723EmailDiscovery Charter School is a tuition-free public charter school located in Porter, IN. We service over 500 K-8 students from Lake, Porter and La Porte Counties.Schools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsIndiana University NorthwestProfileIUN.edu3400 BroadwayGary, IN 46408219-980-7763Fax: 219-981-4244EmailNon-residential university offering over 70 bachelor's and master's degrees in five academic divisions. IU Northwest is consistently ranked as one of the most economically and ethnically diverse master's-level universities in the Midwest.TerryAnn Defenser, PR Assistant; EmailKen Iwama, Chancellor; EmailDr. Cynthia Roberts, Dean, School of Business & Economics; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsIvy Tech Community CollegeProfileIvyTech.edu3714 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-9137Fax: 219-879-9157Ivy Tech Community College of Michigan City. Two year community technical college programs in medical assistant, EMT, surgical tech, respiratory tech, culinary, business, logistics management, elementary education, paramedic and liberal arts. Degrees in English, Mathematics, Psychology and Science, Logistics Managements and Emergency Medical Tech (EMT).Marcos Rodriguez, Site Director, Michigan City/La Porte; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsJourney AcademyProfilewww.inaspireacademy.com4121 Franklin St.Michigan City, IN 46360219-402-7322EmailEvery child learns differently. Our K-8 program supports students with anxiety, giftedness, autism, dyslexia, ADHD, and other neurodivergent learners. We also welcome students needing flexible schedules and those who are Deaf/HH of Hearing or Blind/LV.Stacy Attar, CEO; EmailSchools & Education Programs & ServicesJunior Achievement Serving La Porte Box 772La Porte, IN 46352828-545-3525EmailJunior Achievement partners with area businesses to provide mentoring through education in economic education, career-readiness, and entrepreneurship to students in grades K-12.Linda Tinsley, Director; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsLakeshore SHRMProfileLakeshoreSHRM.orgP.O. Box 303La Porte, IN 46352219-344-5613EmailOur Association serves the needs of over 70 human resource professionals in our area through a variety of learning and networking opportunities.Schools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsMarquette Catholic High SchoolProfileMarquette-HS.org306 W. 10th StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-1325EmailCatholic High SchoolSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsMichigan City Area SchoolsProfileEducateMC.net408 S. Carroll AvenueMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-2000Fax: 219-873-2072EmailMCAS serves approximately 5,600 students in grades K-12. The district offers elementary magnet programs in STEM and the Arts, themed middle schools, gifted/talented classrooms, special education, dual credit and AP, and career and technical education. Pre-K is available at three locations.Dr. Barbara Eason-Watkins, Superintendent; EmailBetsy Kohn, Communications Director; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsMichigan City High School Athletic Booster ClubProfile8466 W. Pahs RoadMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-2044EmailOur mission is to support our student athletes by providing much needed equipment upgrades in addition to creating more pride in our school and community.Kris Halfacre, Co-President; EmailNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & Associations, Schools & Education Programs & ServicesNfr Institute of TechnologyProfileNfrInstitute.org121 W. 9th Street, Second FloorMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-2525EmailOur mission is to inspire students to be always curious; prepare them to pursue their passions; and empower them to make significant contributions to society.Kyle-Pierre Nfr, President; EmailSchools & Education Programs & ServicesOpportunity EnterprisesProfileOppEnt.org2801 Evans AvenueValparaiso, IN 46383219-464-9621Fax: 219-464-9635EmailHelping individuals with disabilities reach thier fullest potential and live a full, and enriching lifeSchools & Education Programs & Services, Professional, Business & Community Services & ResourcesPaladin, Inc.ProfilePaladin.care4315 E. Michigan BoulevardMichigan City, IN 46360219-874-4288Fax: 219-874-2689EmailServe as determined advocates for children, persons with disabilities, seniors and their families to provide support and opportunities to learn, grow and lead a meaningful life.Mrs. Melissa Bohacek, Marketing and Development Officer; EmailSteve Hobby, President; EmailKim Latchford, Vice President; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsPurdue Extension La Porte W. SR 2, Suite ALa Porte, IN 46350219-324-9407Fax: 219-326-7362EmailOur office is responsible for getting practical, university based-information into the hands of those who need it. We offer assistance in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Health and Human Sciences, Economic and Community Development, 4-H Youth Development. Purdue University is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution.Mary Foell, Community Development Extension Educator; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsPurdue University NorthwestProfilePNW.edu1401 S. US Highway 421Westville, IN 46391855-608-4600Fax: 219-785-5677EmailWe provide university programs including associate, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Non credit programs are also available.Thomas Keon, Chancellor; EmailMatthew Wells, Chief Engagement Officer; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Event Centers and PlannersQueen of All Saints SchoolProfileQAS-School.org1715 E. Barker StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-4420Fax: 219-872-1943EmailQueen of All Saints School serves preschool (3-5 yr. olds) through 8th grade. We help children learn, serve and love in Jesus' name.Schools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsReins of LifeProfileReinsOfLife.org9375 W. 300 NorthMichigan City, IN 46360574-232-0853Fax: 574-232-1104EmailProvides therapeutic horseback riding and other equine-assisted programs for children and adults with disabilities.Dorota Janik, Exective Director; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Professional, Business & Community Services & ResourcesSaint Stanislaus Kostka ChurchProfileSanctusStanislaus.com1506 Washington StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-9281Fax: 219-872-2295EmailSt. Stanislaus Kostka parish has been serving the Michigan City community since 1891, via our Roman Catholic Church, school (grades P-8), and convent re-sale shop.Mary Sebert, Communications Director; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Professional, Business & Community Services & ResourcesSocial and Learning Institute, Inc.Profilesocialandlearning.org201 E. Garfield StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-2200EmailThe Social and Learning Institute is a day program providing a structured balance of socialization and learning activities for adults with intellectual disabilitiesSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsNew SearchPrev12NextChamber Members | Chamber Events Calendar | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Postings & Volunteer Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | Request Information Upcoming EventsThu27 Leaders and Readers Book ClubMar 27th @ 4:00 PMTue1 Coffee ConnectionsApr 1st @ 8:00 AMWed2 How to Master Social Media MarketingApr 2nd @ 8:30 AMThu10 Chamber 101: A Virtual Session of Member BenefitsApr 10th @ 9:00 AMFri11 Ribbon Cutting: Giving Tree ChiropracticApr 11th @ 1:30 PM 2025 Diamond, Platinum, & Gold Members