Member Directory Find a BusinessLocate a local business for all your business needs using the interactive Map or Member Directory below. Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...3456789...21NextClausen Miller, PCProfileClausen.com200 Commerce SquareMichigan City, IN 46360219-262-6106Fax: 312-606-7777EmailFounded in 1936, Clausen Miller serves as national and regional litigation counsel to various corporations and insurance companies defending cases related to personal injury, professional liability, premises liability, and mass torts. The firm offers legal services related to insurance coverage, commercial litigation, employment law, transportation and appellate law.Legal ServicesCLH, CPAs & ConsultantsProfileCLH.cpa123 E. 8th StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-874-0210Fax: 219-874-1137EmailCertified Public Accounting Firm which provides business consulting, business support services, tax preparation and planning, financial reporting, and business valuation services to closely-held businesses across northern Indiana and beyond. CLH has offices in Michigan City and Valparaiso.Accounting, Bookkeeping, & Tax Services, ConsultantsCentral Midwest carpentersProfileIKORCC.com1560 E. 70th CourtMerrillville, IN 46410219-942-0518Fax: 219-942-9725EmailThe Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio Regional Council of Carpenters works on behalf of carpenters and provides quality construction with professional carpenters in La Porte, Porter and surrounding counties.Nick Pollock, Business Representative; EmailNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & Associations, Construction & Development Sales & ServicesCoActionProfileNWI-CA.com5240 Fountain DriveCrown Point, IN 46307219-794-1829EmailA for-purpose organization dedicated to helping people experiencing financial hardships. We do this through resources like housing vouchers, nutrition vouchers and energy assistance. We manage the WIC program and administer an Americorps volunteer program for people 55 and older.Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsColdwell Banker Real Estate Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-221-4047Email At Coldwell Banker Real Estate Group, we love people, homes and the communities we serve. We pair our personal compassion and local knowledge with the most advanced technology to exceed customer expectations while providing a safe and dependable real estate experience. Real Estate ServicesComcast Business / xfinity E. Lincoln HighwayMerrillville, IN 46410219-204-9975EmailComcast Business offers Ethernet, Internet, WiFi, voice, TV and managed enterprise solutions to help organizations of all sizes transform their business.Erik Ciesinski, Sr. Sales Manager; EmailTevin Dilosa, Government Affairs Manager, Northern IN; EmailComputer, Telephone & IT Sales & Services, Media & Communication Sales & ServicesCoolspring Estates ApartmentsProfile3208 Dody Avenue, Unit #2Michigan City, IN 46360219-872-2080EmailApartment ComplexApril Haynes, Area Manager; EmailHousing & Apartment RentalsCountry Inn & SuitesProfileCountryInnAmericas.com3805 N. Frontage RoadMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-3600Fax: 219-879-0931EmailFree high speed internet, fitness center, indoor pool, whirlpool and free breakfast.Roger Sharma, General Manager; EmailLodging & Vacation RentalsCriterion Productions, LLCProfileCriterion.fun2026 W Carroll AveChicago, IL 60612773-878-2900EmailCriterion Productions is a producer of large-scale events, public and private.Geoffrey Miller, President; EmailEvent Centers and PlannersCS Elements TravelProfileTravelCSElements.com198 W State Road 130Valparaiso, IN 46385219-252-4228EmailFull-service travel agency with teams specializing in destination weddings, honeymoons, Disney, Europe, and group travel.Lodging & Vacation RentalsCSL PlasmaProfileCSLPlasma.com312 W Highway 20Michigan City, IN 46360219-268-6284Fax: 219-268-5609EmailCSL Plasma operates one of the world’s largest and most sophisticated plasma collection networks, with more than 300 plasma collection centers in the U.S., Europe, and China.Lakisha Johnson, Center Manager; EmailHospitals, Doctors, Opticians, Clinics & Medical CentersCulver's of Michigan CityProfileCulvers.com3967 N. Frontage RoadMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-5065Fax: 219-872-5067EmailMichigan City location just north of 421/94 exchange.Restaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & BarsCurrent Electric, Inc.ProfileCurrentElectricMC.com301 Chapala ParkwayTrail Creek, IN 46360219-872-7736Fax: 219-872-7761EmailResidential, commercial and industrial electrical work. Authorized Generac & Honeywell Generator sales, service, and warranty. Sign installations and repairs.Beth Seifert, Office Manager; EmailDuane Seifert, President; EmailElectrical Sales & ServicesD & M ExcavatingProfileDandMExcavating.com9896 W. 300 North, Building AMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-9378Fax: 219-874-3523EmailExcavating, demolition + sewer, water line installation, repair and cleaning.Jay Miller, President; EmailDQ Grill & ChillProfileDairyQueen.com2506 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-9187Fax: 219-242-8456EmailDairy Queen serves delicious ice cream treats featuring the world famous blizzard, ice cream cakes and blizzard cakes. One of a kind chicken strip baskets, burgers, artisan-style sandwiches and much more. Open Year Round.Restaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & BarsDan's Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance, Inc.Profile2609 E. Barker AvenueMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-1572EmailDan Carabine, President; EmailLandscaping, Irrigation, Tree & Snow Removal ServicesDanelcy Patterson - Coldwell Banker RealtyProfile N Whittaker StNew Buffalo, MI 49117219-809-5319EmailDanelcy Lopez-Patterson is an Associate Realtor with Merrion and Associates, bi-lingual, se habla espanol, residential properties.Danelcy Patterson, Real Estate Broker; EmailReal Estate ServicesDaniels CPA Group P.C.ProfileDanielsCPAGroup.com330 Commerce SquareMichigan City, IN 46360219-874-6770EmailAccounting, bookkeeping and tax preparation for businesses and individuals. Certified Public Accountants and ConsultantsBrian Daniels, Certified Public Accountant; EmailAccounting, Bookkeeping, & Tax ServicesDavey Resource GroupProfileDavey.com3605 Gagnon StreetSouth Bend, IN 46628574-201-7433EmailDRG’s Environmental Consulting (EC) team is a committed Partner for natural resource planning and management. Offering a wide variety of consulting services.Clay Kusbach, Associate Consultant; EmailConsultantsDavid Taylor Michigan City Chrysler Dodge Jeep RamProfileMCityCars.com501 E. US Highway 20Michigan City, IN 46360219-872-8600Fax: 219-878-0780Michigan City Chrysler Jeep Ram provides automotive sales and a service area with professional technicians to serve you in LaPorte County.Scott Clausing, General Manager; EmailAutomobile Dealers, Repair & Service CentersNew SearchPrev1...3456789...21NextChamber Members | Chamber Events Calendar | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Postings & Volunteer Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | Request Information Upcoming EventsFri14 Annual Chamber Awards DinnerMar 14th @ 5:00 PMThu20 Rockstar BingoMar 20th @ 5:30 PMTue25 Business Before Hours: Fluid Coffee RoastersMar 25th @ 8:00 AMTue25 Ribbon Cutting: Diamond Martial Arts & FitnessMar 25th @ 3:00 PMThu27 Leaders and Readers Book ClubMar 27th @ 4:00 PM 2025 Diamond, Platinum, & Gold Members