Member Directory Find a BusinessLocate a local business for all your business needs using the interactive Map or Member Directory below. Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...1415161718192021NextSmooth Finish Painting, LLCProfileSmoothFinish219.com2212 Dixon DriveValparaiso, IN 46383219-316-5573EmailTransforming spaces in Northwest Indiana and Southwest Michigan. Leading with exceptional quality, meticulous detail, and unwavering client service.Home Improvement Sales & ServicesSnyder InsuranceProfilewww.SnyderInsurance.net1905 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-4343Fax: 219-874-7480EmailKevin Snyder, Owner; EmailInsurance CompaniesSocial and Learning Institute, Inc.Profilesocialandlearning.org201 E. Garfield StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-2200EmailThe Social and Learning Institute is a day program providing a structured balance of socialization and learning activities for adults with intellectual disabilitiesSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsSocial Que BBQ & CateringProfileSocialQueBBQ.com1701 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-232-8465EmailBarbeque and catering business that hosts pop-up events and focuses on culture and communication via food.Brealon Hervey, Owner; EmailRestaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & BarsSodexo Quality of Life ServicesProfileSodexo.com2601 S. Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-2124 ext. 8518Fax: 219-873-2087EmailSodexo offers a full range of quality of life solutions through more than 100 different services.Paz Garcia, General Manager/Director; EmailHome & Facility Management Sales & ServicesSouth Bend Chocolate CafeProfileSBChocolate.com307 Lighthouse PlaceMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-1998EmailChrissy Ennis, Owner; EmailSpecialty Snack & Food Shops, Restaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & BarsSouth Bend International AirportProfileFlySBN.com4477 Progress DriveSouth Bend, IN 46628574-282-4590EmailNonstop flights to Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Fort Meyers/Punta Gorda, Las Vegas, Minneapolis, Orlando/Sanford, Phoenix/Mesa, Sarasota/Bradenton, and St. Petersburg/Tampa, with easy connections worldwide.Julie Curtis, VP of Marketing & Air Service Dev.; EmailMichael Daigle, Executive Director; EmailTransportation, Distribution, & LogisticsSouth Shore Public RelationsProfilewww.SouthShorePR.com517 Franklin StreetSuite 205Michigan City, IN 46360219-575-3940EmailFull service PR & marketing agency dedicated to providing exceptional PR solutions tailored specifically for small businesses.Marketing Technology & Public Relations ServicesSaint Joseph Young Men's Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-9454EmailPrivate Social Club, Open to public for Friday Night Fish Fry.Eric Camel, General Manager; EmailNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsSt. Joseph Paper + Packaging, Inc.ProfileStJoePaper.com2740 ViridianSouth Bend, IN 46628574-287-9817EmailDistributor of packaging and shipping supplies in northern Indiana and southern MichiganDean Skwarcan, President; EmailManufacturingStash ConstructionProfileStashPropertyRestoration.com1777 Armstrong Street, Suite APortage, IN 46368219-924-0266Fax: 219-922-6027EmailStash Property Restoration specializes in all aspects of disaster restoration, remodeling, and roofing. Stash has been serving Northwest Indiana for over 37 years.Brian Breese, Office Administrator; EmailHome & Facility Management Sales & Services, Construction & Development Sales & ServicesSteindler Signs & GraphixProfileSteindlerSigns.com10740 W. US Highway 30, P.O. Box 285Wanatah, IN 46390219-733-2551Fax: 219-733-9631EmailSteindler Signs is a striving business committed to excellence and growth in the sign and graphics industry. We are here to turn your ideas into reality.Tom Steindler; EmailCopy, Printing & Graphic Design Services, Sign Manufacturing & InstallationStrategic ManagementProfileManagePeopleRight.com2920 Lothair WayMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-1735EmailAkins is a well-respected human resource compliance and performance consultant who provides practical solutions for employers of all sizes. She builds respectful workplaces and effective workforces. As a certified brain-based coach, Akins uses evidence-based models to help people develop strategies and actions to navigate toward their desired outcomes. She also refines management tools such as handbooks, policies and job descriptions and develops targeted training.Nora Akins, CEO; EmailProfessional, Business & Community Services & Resources, ConsultantsSullivan-Palatek, Inc.ProfileSullivanPalatek.com1201 W. US Highway 20Michigan City, IN 46360219-874-2497Fax: 219-809-0203EmailManufacturer of electric and diesel rotary screw air compressors, air dryers/filters, compressed air condensate remediation equipment and pneumatic construction tools and accessories.Scott Newcomb, Director of Plant Operations; EmailManufacturingSummers Plumbing, Heating & CoolingProfileSummersPHC.com1233 N. SR 39La Porte, IN 46350219-797-6185EmailSince 1969, Summers has made it our mission to provide top-quality service at affordable rates. Our plumbers & HVAC technicians are trained to perform maintenance and repairs.Mercedes Stephens, Human Resources Manager; EmailHeating & Air Conditioning Sales & Services, Plumbing Sales, Services & SuppliersSunset GrilleProfileSunsetGrilleAtTheBeach.com6 on the Lake, Washington ParkMichigan City, IN 46360219-809-9959EmailRooftop cantina serving light bites with full bar, live entertainment, & the best view of the lake Tuesday - Sunday, 4:00pm until Sunset. PLUS beach concession stand open 11:00am-4:00pm.Julie Krause, General Manager; EmailRecreation & Entertainment, Restaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & BarsSusan Ibitz Behavior ConsultingProfileSusanIbitz.comPO Box 164Ogden Dunes, IN 46368312-752-7227EmailSpecialized High-performance Human Behavior training -Working on the humans that grow businesses | Human Behavior Expert, teaching corporations & employees how to read humans using Behavior & Persuasion.Consultants, Professional, Business & Community Services & ResourcesSuzy Vance, LLCProfileSuzyVance.com326 W 10th Street #10Michigan City, IN 46360219-229-1483EmailSuzy is a "born again" lawyer. Her practice of more than 20 years, included representing a client successfully before the US Supreme Court. She calls the area in which she practiced "personal and professional divorces." She worked with husbands, wives, and children, and employees and employers. She says that, as a result, she has seen all human behavior and interaction. Over the years her work transitioned into being a "Life Coach," helping people meet the challenges they face find the work they love. As part of this effort she launched a video podcast Creating from the Heart: The Artistry of Living available on YouTube. Suzy Vance, President; EmailConsultants, Individual Chamber MembersSwanson CenterProfileSwansonCenter.org7224 W. 400 NorthMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-4621Fax: 219-873-2388EmailSwanson Center provides quality, effective, cost efficient, mental health counseling, also substance abuse and health support services for business, organizations and citizens in Northwest Indiana.Mental & Behavioral Health Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsSweet Lou, That's Who!ProfileSweetLouThatsWho.com3200 Cleveland AvenueMichigan City, IN 46360219-785-1313EmailGREAT FOOD brings friends and family together! We offer a full line of Catering, Weddings, Graduations, Birthdays. You name it, we can cater it! Year round service available. ENJOY THE FOOD and leave the cooking up to SWEET LOU, THAT'S WHOLou Young, Owner; EmailCatering ServicesNew SearchPrev1...1415161718192021NextChamber Members | Chamber Events Calendar | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Postings & Volunteer Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | Request Information Upcoming EventsTue4 Coffee ConnectionsMar 4th @ 8:00 AMTue4 Chamber Luncheon- Michigan City UpdateMar 4th @ 11:30 AMFri14 Annual Chamber Awards DinnerMar 14th @ 5:00 PMThu20 Rockstar BingoMar 20th @ 5:30 PMTue25 Business Before Hours: Fluid Coffee RoastersMar 25th @ 8:00 AM 2025 Diamond, Platinum, & Gold Members