Member Directory Find a BusinessLocate a local business for all your business needs using the interactive Map or Member Directory below. Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...11121314151617...21NextMCTD, Inc.ProfileMCTDInc.com200 Winski DriveMichigan City, IN 46360219-874-7661Fax: 219-874-7684EmailTool designers, parts and manufacturing. Design & build prototype & production machinery.Tim Johnson, President; EmailManufacturingMeridian Health ServicesProfileMeridianHS.org422 Franklin Street, Suite FMichigan City, IN 46361219-688-1455Fax: 574-254-0188EmailMeridian Health Services is a progressive healthcare organization specializing in "whole person" health, integrating physical, mental, and social well being.Jackie Heemstra, Operations Coordinator; EmailMental & Behavioral Health Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsMeridian Title CorporationProfileMeridianTitle.com241 Medical Plaza, Unit DMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-9639Fax: 219-879-9672EmailProvides residential and commercial title insurance products and escrow/closing services for real estate transactions.Banking & Financial Institutions, Real Estate ServicesMichiana Construction & Management, Inc.Profile124 Woodland Court, Suite BMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-0318Fax: 219-872-0651EmailCommercial - industrial developer - leasing pre-engineered buildings - maintenance construction and custom residential.Dale Brown, President; EmailConstruction & Development Sales & ServicesMichiana Humane SocietyProfileMichianaPets.org722 IN Highway 212Michigan City, IN 46360219-872-4499EmailThe Michiana Humane Society promotes the well-being of our community animals through prevention, intervention, education and advocacy. Visit to learn more.Johanna Humbert, Executive Director; EmailHeidi Tuthill, Development Director; EmailVeterinarians, Animal Shelters, Pet Supply Sales & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsMichiana InsuranceProfileMichianaInsurance.com5385 N. Johnson RoadMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-6482EmailInsurance Sales and ServiceInsurance CompaniesMichiana MechanicalProfileMichianaMechanical.com10416 W. 400 NorthMichigan City, IN 46360219-874-2454Fax: 219-874-0136EmailHVAC Heating & CoolingTom Llewellyn, Owner; EmailHeating & Air Conditioning Sales & ServicesMichigan City Area SchoolsProfileEducateMC.net408 S. Carroll AvenueMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-2000Fax: 219-873-2072EmailMCAS serves approximately 5,600 students in grades K-12. The district offers elementary magnet programs in STEM and the Arts, themed middle schools, gifted/talented classrooms, special education, dual credit and AP, and career and technical education. Pre-K is available at three locations.Dr. Barbara Eason-Watkins, Superintendent; EmailBetsy Kohn, Communications Director; EmailSchools & Education Programs & Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsMichigan City Dental P.C.ProfileMichiganCityDental.com4212 E. Michigan BoulevardMichigan City, IN 46360219-874-7224Fax: 219-879-8153EmailOur caring doctors and staff welcome the children and adults in your family! We are committed to providing high quality dental care, using advanced techniques and treatments, in a comfortable and pleasant environment.Dr. Shane Harmon, Doctor; EmailDr. Faye Stokes, Doctor; EmailHospitals, Doctors, Opticians, Clinics & Medical CentersMichigan City Department of Water WorksProfileemichigancity.com532 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-874-3228Fax: 219-874-1433EmailUtility & Water Treatment ServicesMichigan City High School Athletic Booster ClubProfile8466 W. Pahs RoadMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-2044EmailOur mission is to support our student athletes by providing much needed equipment upgrades in addition to creating more pride in our school and community.Kris Halfacre, Co-President; EmailNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & Associations, Schools & Education Programs & ServicesMichigan City Housing E. Michigan BoulevardMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-7287Fax: 219-873-7700EmailHousing & Apartment Rentals, Professional, Business & Community Services & ResourcesLOQUERCIO AUTOMOTIVE MCH, LLC dba MICHIGAN CITY HYUNDAIProfileMichiganCityHyundai.com4411 E Michigan BoulevardMichigan City, IN 46360219-878-1133Fax: 219-878-0085EmailAutomobile dealership - sales and serviceMaria Mendez, Controller; EmailVictorino Ordonez, GM; EmailAutomobile Dealers, Repair & Service CentersMichigan City Mainstreet Association JobsProfileUptownArtsDistrict.orgP.O. Box 442Michigan City, IN 46361507-400-2787EmailThe Michigan City Mainstreet Association (MCMA) is an organization dedicated to creating a positive image for the historic uptown arts district on the North end of Michigan City.Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & Associations, Professional, Business & Community Services & ResourcesMichigan City Municipal AirportProfilewww.MGCAirport.com1300 IN-212Michigan City, IN 46360219-872-0121Fax: 219-872-0121EmailJessica Ward, Airport Manager; EmailTransportation, Distribution, & LogisticsMichigan City Paper Box CompanyProfilewww.BuyABox.com1206 Pine StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-8383Fax: 219-872-6035EmailManufacturer of custom set-up boxes, cotton filled jewelry boxes, mailing and ring boxes.Al Hoodwin, President; EmailManufacturingMichigan City Pediatric DentistryProfilePediatricDentistryMichiganCity.com211 Medical PlazaMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-4559Fax: 219-879-4559EmailDr. Lisa Leniski, Doctor; EmailHospitals, Doctors, Opticians, Clinics & Medical CentersMichigan City Port AuthorityProfileMCMarina.org200 Heisman Harbor RoadMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-1712Fax: 219-873-3250EmailMichigan City marine services available including storage and charter boat services.Tim Frame, Harbormaster; EmailBoating Sales & ServicesMichigan City Rotary ClubProfileMCRotary.orgP.O. Box 9372Michigan City, IN 46361-9372219-878-3584EmailNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsMichigan City Special E. Michigan BlvdMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-4371EmailPlanning and executing special events for the City of Michigan CityTerry Greetham, Director Special Events; EmailRecreation & EntertainmentNew SearchPrev1...11121314151617...21NextChamber Members | Chamber Events Calendar | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Postings & Volunteer Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | Request Information Upcoming EventsTue4 Coffee ConnectionsMar 4th @ 8:00 AMTue4 Chamber Luncheon- Michigan City UpdateMar 4th @ 11:30 AMFri14 Annual Chamber Awards DinnerMar 14th @ 5:00 PMThu20 Rockstar BingoMar 20th @ 5:30 PMTue25 Business Before Hours: Fluid Coffee RoastersMar 25th @ 8:00 AM 2025 Diamond, Platinum, & Gold Members