Member Directory Find a BusinessLocate a local business for all your business needs using the interactive Map or Member Directory below. ConsultantsNew SearchPrev1NextBlak CorporationProfileBlakCorp.com8633 W. 400 NorthMichigan City, IN 46360219-229-8842219-879-2525EmailBlak Corporation is a design and manufacturing consultant. Automotive manufacturing engeering, computer engineer.ConsultantsCBIZ SomersetProfile W. Kieffer RoadMichigan City, IN 46360317-472-2200Fax: 219-874-1438EmailCertified Public Accountants and consultants.Mark Rowley; EmailAccounting, Bookkeeping, & Tax Services, ConsultantsCLH, CPAs & ConsultantsProfileCLH.cpa123 E. 8th StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-874-0210Fax: 219-874-1137EmailCertified Public Accounting Firm which provides business consulting, business support services, tax preparation and planning, financial reporting, and business valuation services to closely-held businesses across northern Indiana and beyond. CLH has offices in Michigan City and Valparaiso.Accounting, Bookkeeping, & Tax Services, ConsultantsDavey Resource GroupProfileDavey.com3605 Gagnon StreetSouth Bend, IN 46628574-201-7433EmailDRG’s Environmental Consulting (EC) team is a committed Partner for natural resource planning and management. Offering a wide variety of consulting services.Clay Kusbach, Associate Consultant; EmailConsultantsHaas & Associates, LLCProfileHaasLLC.com526 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-9407Fax: 219-872-9489EmailConsulting engineers and land surveyors specializing in municipal, institutional, manufactural and industrial infrastructure, parks and land development planning.Tim Haas, Owner; EmailArchitects & Engineers, ConsultantsNorth Star PropertiesProfileNorthStarPropertiesOfIN.com525 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-814-4258EmailVacation Rental Company, Consulting and Real Estate & Property ManagementMonica Gauthier-O'Donnell, Owner/Managing Broker; EmailLodging & Vacation Rentals, Consultants, Real Estate ServicesReframing Leadership LLCProfileTrudyMenke.com55873 Great Blue Heron CtNew Carlisle, IN 46552219-716-2108EmailReframing Leadership is a positive thinking partner that provides training and executive coaching as a positive-thinking partner that offers fresh honesty and a commitment to creative problem-solving.Trudy Menke, President; EmailConsultantsRichar InteriorsProfileRicharInteriors.com720 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-243-7000Fax: 219-814-4089EmailCustom interior design for the discerning client. New build, remodeling or sprucing up. Design services to suit your needs. Award winning Interior designer.Richar Johnson, Owner; EmailHome Improvement Sales & Services, ConsultantsStrategic ManagementProfileManagePeopleRight.com2920 Lothair WayMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-1735EmailAkins is a well-respected human resource compliance and performance consultant who provides practical solutions for employers of all sizes. She builds respectful workplaces and effective workforces. As a certified brain-based coach, Akins uses evidence-based models to help people develop strategies and actions to navigate toward their desired outcomes. She also refines management tools such as handbooks, policies and job descriptions and develops targeted training.Nora Akins, CEO; EmailProfessional, Business & Community Services & Resources, ConsultantsSusan Ibitz Behavior ConsultingProfileSusanIbitz.comPO Box 164Ogden Dunes, IN 46368312-752-7227EmailSpecialized High-performance Human Behavior training -Working on the humans that grow businesses | Human Behavior Expert, teaching corporations & employees how to read humans using Behavior & Persuasion.Consultants, Professional, Business & Community Services & ResourcesSuzy Vance, LLCProfileSuzyVance.com326 W 10th Street #10Michigan City, IN 46360219-229-1483EmailSuzy is a "born again" lawyer. Her practice of more than 20 years, included representing a client successfully before the US Supreme Court. She calls the area in which she practiced "personal and professional divorces." She worked with husbands, wives, and children, and employees and employers. She says that, as a result, she has seen all human behavior and interaction. Over the years her work transitioned into being a "Life Coach," helping people meet the challenges they face find the work they love. As part of this effort she launched a video podcast Creating from the Heart: The Artistry of Living available on YouTube. Suzy Vance, President; EmailConsultants, Individual Chamber MembersNew SearchPrev1NextChamber Members | Chamber Events Calendar | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Postings & Volunteer Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | Request Information Upcoming EventsThu27 Leaders and Readers Book ClubMar 27th @ 4:00 PMTue1 Coffee ConnectionsApr 1st @ 8:00 AMWed2 How to Master Social Media MarketingApr 2nd @ 8:30 AMThu10 Chamber 101: A Virtual Session of Member BenefitsApr 10th @ 9:00 AMFri11 Ribbon Cutting: Giving Tree ChiropracticApr 11th @ 1:30 PM 2025 Diamond, Platinum, & Gold Members