Member Directory Find a BusinessLocate a local business for all your business needs using the interactive Map or Member Directory below. Return to Listing The Salvation Army of Michigan CitySAMichiganCity.orgNot-for-profit that helps the Michigan City community through many different social service programs.NewsSalvation Army of MC Offers Pathway of HopeMC Salvation Army Offers Class to ‘Get Ahead’MC Salvation Army to Open Temporary Emergency ShelterThe Salvation Army of MC Achieves Christmas GoalMC and LP Both Claim Victory in Battle of the MayorsSanta & Friends Take Over Intersection For The Salvation ArmyMC and LP Mayors to Battle in Red Kettle Ring OffSalvation Army of MC Offers Christmas Help to Local FamiliesFree Thanksgiving Meal Offered by The Salvation ArmyRed Kettle Kick Off Hosted By The Salvation ArmyMC Salvation Army Announces Christmas Campaign ChairsSalvation Army Program Provides Weekend Meals for StudentsThe Salvation Army of Michigan City: Bridges Out of Poverty: Gettin’ Ahead in a Just Gettin’ By WorldSalvation Army to Hold Annual Fundraising AuctionBack to School Rally Seeks Volunteers, ExhibitorsDonut Champ Crowned by The Salvation ArmySalvation Army to Host 9th Annual Donut Eating ContestFree Worship Arts Workshop at The Salvation ArmyLetter Carriers’ Food Drive To Benefit The Salvation ArmyMC Salvation Army to Recognize Volunteers of the YearRegistration Now Open for Free Salvation Army Summer CampThe Salvation Army offers monthly gaming eventThe Salvation Army of Michigan City food drive to “love beyond hunger”Michigan City Rotary Club ScholarshipMC Salvation Army Offers Class to ‘Get Ahead’The Salvation Army of MC Exceeds Christmas GoalSalvation Army Hosts Bridges: Getting Ahead ClassGrief Share at The Salvation ArmyMC and LP Mayors to Battle in Red Kettle Ring OffStuff-A-Sleigh Food Drive to Benefit The Salvation ArmyFree Thanksgiving Meal Offered by The Salvation ArmyThe Salvation Army announces Campaign ChairsAnnual Red Kettle Kick Off Planned by The Salvation Army of Michigan CityThe Salvation Army and St. John United Church of Christ partner to offer Grief ShareSalvation Army to Hold Annual Fundraising DinnerBridges: Getiing Ahead ClassSalvation Army to Host 8th Annual Donut Eating ContestMayor Parry Issues Proclamation Declaring “Salvation Army Week”Letter Carriers’ Food Drive To Benefit The Salvation ArmyFriday Night at the SAL returns with Disney KaraokeFirst Trust Credit Union presents a $15,000 donation check to The Salvation Army of Michigan CityTHE SALVATION ARMY AT 90% OF $220,000 CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN GOALTHE SALVATION ARMY AT 60% OF $220,000 CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN GOALSALVATION ARMY OFFERS FREE THANKSGIVING MEALChristmas Assistance AvailableLETTER CARRIERS’ FOOD DRIVE TO BENEFIT THE SALVATION ARMY FOOD PANTRYTHE SALVATION ARMY OFFERING FREE YOUTH SUMMER CAMPTHE SALVATION ARMY EXCEEDS $210,000 CHRISTMAS CAMPAIGN GOALDale Simmons, Captain; Email1201 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-874-6885 X224Fax: 219-879-5405EmailProfessional, Business & Community Services & ResourcesNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & Associations Chamber Members | Chamber Events Calendar | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Postings & Volunteer Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | Request Information Upcoming EventsTue4 Coffee ConnectionsMar 4th @ 8:00 AMTue4 Chamber Luncheon- Michigan City UpdateMar 4th @ 11:30 AMFri14 Annual Chamber Awards DinnerMar 14th @ 5:00 PMThu20 Rockstar BingoMar 20th @ 5:30 PMTue25 Business Before Hours: Fluid Coffee RoastersMar 25th @ 8:00 AM 2025 Diamond, Platinum, & Gold Members