Member Directory Find a BusinessLocate a local business for all your business needs using the interactive Map or Member Directory below. Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...1415161718192021NextSusan Ibitz Behavior ConsultingProfileSusanIbitz.comPO Box 164Ogden Dunes, IN 46368312-752-7227EmailSpecialized High-performance Human Behavior training -Working on the humans that grow businesses | Human Behavior Expert, teaching corporations & employees how to read humans using Behavior & Persuasion.Consultants, Professional, Business & Community Services & ResourcesSuzy Vance, LLCProfileSuzyVance.com326 W 10th Street #10Michigan City, IN 46360219-229-1483EmailSuzy is a "born again" lawyer. Her practice of more than 20 years, included representing a client successfully before the US Supreme Court. She calls the area in which she practiced "personal and professional divorces." She worked with husbands, wives, and children, and employees and employers. She says that, as a result, she has seen all human behavior and interaction. Over the years her work transitioned into being a "Life Coach," helping people meet the challenges they face find the work they love. As part of this effort she launched a video podcast Creating from the Heart: The Artistry of Living available on YouTube. Suzy Vance, President; EmailConsultants, Individual Chamber MembersSwanson CenterProfileSwansonCenter.org7224 W. 400 NorthMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-4621Fax: 219-873-2388EmailSwanson Center provides quality, effective, cost efficient, mental health counseling, also substance abuse and health support services for business, organizations and citizens in Northwest Indiana.Mental & Behavioral Health Services, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsSweet Lou, That's Who!ProfileSweetLouThatsWho.com3200 Cleveland AvenueMichigan City, IN 46360219-785-1313EmailGREAT FOOD brings friends and family together! We offer a full line of Catering, Weddings, Graduations, Birthdays. You name it, we can cater it! Year round service available. ENJOY THE FOOD and leave the cooking up to SWEET LOU, THAT'S WHOLou Young, Owner; EmailCatering ServicesSwells A Dive BarProfileSwellsDiveBar.com3201 US Highway 12Michigan City, IN 46360219-243-7959EmailSwells exudes a relaxed, unpretentious vibe with dim lighting, vintage neon signs, and well-worn wooden walls. Amid the laid-back atmosphere, patrons can enjoy a surprising culinary delight along with their favorite spirits, drafts and bottled drinks.Restaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & BarsSwingbelly'sProfileSwingbellys.org3101 E. US Hwy 12Michigan City, IN 46360219-874-5718EmailLong established restaurant serving "Great Food & Spirits" since 1983.Mark Werner, Owner; EmailRestaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & BarsTempesta Media JobsProfileTempestaMedia.com303 Washington StreetMichigan City, IN 46361866-948-3588EmailContent-led digital customer acquisition marketing for small and mid-sized businessesMr Michael Marchese, Founder and CEO; EmailMarketing Technology & Public Relations ServicesThe Barker MansionProfileBarkerMansion.org631 Washington StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-873-1520EmailThe Barker Mansion’s turn-of-the-century architecture, collections, and social history create a living museum for both the scholar and casual visitor. The new permanent exhibit, The Haskell & Barker Car Company and Legacy of Freight, tells the story of the great significance the factory had to Michigan City, Indiana and to the nation.The Mansion offers memberships, self-guided tours, group tours, special events and educational programming. The mansion is also available for rentals for weddings, meetings, family gatherings, birthday celebrations, and other events.Susan DeMaio, Executive Director; EmailCraig Golbesky, Events Coordinator; EmailMichele Gustin, Program & Operations Manager; EmailArt Galleries, Museums & Theatres, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & Associations, Event Centers and PlannersThe Brewery Lodge & Supper ClubProfileBreweryLodge.com5727 N 600 WestMichigan City, IN 46360866-625-6343EmailA Boutique resort hotel, dining, and private event experience, featuring 12 hotel suites, a Supper Club, and Tent Event Experience located on 40 acres.John Van Prooyen, Owner; EmailLodging & Vacation RentalsThe CollectiveProfileTheCollectiveIN.comLa Porte, IN 46350219-363-6552EmailAt The Collective, we provide a positive, uplifting community that empowers entrepreneurs (just like us) to grow both personally and in our businesses.Professional, Business & Community Services & ResourcesThe Great Escape SpaProfileTheGreatEscapeSpah.com708 Freyer RoadMichigan City, IN 46360219-878-3245EmailThe Great Escape Spa is located in a quaint woodsy setting with top notch services to heal and pamper the communityAnastasia Snyder, Owner; EmailTara Stark, Spa Manager; EmailRecreation & EntertainmentThe Heron BistroProfileTheHeronMC.com522 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-243-0004EmailA French inspired menu created by local people.Heather Nath, Owner / Proprietor; EmailAbagail Yanz, Front of House Manager; EmailRestaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & BarsThe Lodge at Rush LakesProfileRushLakes.com433 West US Highway 20La Porte, IN 46360219-500-6964EmailSitting on 473 breathtaking acres and complemented by three separate lakes, this estate offers an unparalleled blend of luxury and space you’ll find nowhere else in the area. The property includes a lodge and main residence, a four-bedroom guest house, indoor pool house, indoor hot tub, theater, basketball/tennis court, and much more, all connected by climate controlled underground tunnels, plus a distinctive events house with a commercial kitchen. This property offers accommodations for groups in excess of 30 people, in addition to recreational opportunities such as hiking, fishing, boating, swimming, hunting, and much more all on private grounds for you to enjoy.Amber Caudill, Coordinating Director; EmailDustin Caudill, Vice President of Grounds and Wildlife; EmailCaptain Tony Hofstetter, Excursions Concierge Director; EmailLogan Rush, Owner; EmailLodging & Vacation Rentals, Event Centers and Planners, Recreation & EntertainmentThe Salvation Army of Michigan CityProfileSAMichiganCity.org1201 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-874-6885 X224Fax: 219-879-5405EmailNot-for-profit that helps the Michigan City community through many different social service programs.Dale Simmons, Captain; EmailProfessional, Business & Community Services & Resources, Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsThe Stepping Stone ShelterProfileSteppingStoneShelter.orgPO Box 1045Michigan City, IN 46361219-879-4715EmailStepping Stone is 24/HR emergency shelter for domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking survivors. We are the only DV/SA Shelter in LaPorte Co.Mary Anderson, Program Manager/A.D.; EmailNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsThe Waxi TaxiProfilethewaxitaxi.com619 Franklin Street, Suite CMichigan City, IN 46360219-241-3847EmailBarbers, Beauty, Tanning & Nail Salons, Cosmetic SurgeryThomas Rubey & AssociatesProfileTRALTD.com2003 Idlewood TrailLong Beach, IN 46360EmailThomas Rubey & Associates, LTD provides accounting and financial management consulting to nonprofitsAccounting, Bookkeeping, & Tax ServicesThe Times Media CompanyProfileNWI.com1111 Glendale BoulevardValparaiso, IN 46383219-462-5151Fax: 219-465-7298The Times Media Co. is the news and information leader in Northwest Indiana. In addition to the daily newspaper, Times' products include Get Healthy, INBusiness and Home magazines.Media & Communication Sales & ServicesTonn and Blank ConstructionProfiletonnandblank.com1623 Greenwood AvenueMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-7321Fax: 219-873-0210EmailConstructionJoe Coar, Consultant; EmailJon Gilmore, President; EmailConstruction & Development Sales & ServicesTown of Long BeachProfileLongBeachIN.org2400 Oriole TrailLong Beach, IN 46360219-874-6616Fax: 219-879-6099EmailMunicipality for the Town of Long Beach Police Dept., Street, Water, Clerk and Treasurers offices.Non-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsNew SearchPrev1...1415161718192021NextChamber Members | Chamber Events Calendar | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Postings & Volunteer Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | Request Information Upcoming EventsFri14 Annual Chamber Awards DinnerMar 14th @ 5:00 PMThu20 Rockstar BingoMar 20th @ 5:30 PMTue25 Business Before Hours: Fluid Coffee RoastersMar 25th @ 8:00 AMTue25 Ribbon Cutting: Diamond Martial Arts & FitnessMar 25th @ 3:00 PMThu27 Leaders and Readers Book ClubMar 27th @ 4:00 PM 2025 Diamond, Platinum, & Gold Members