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Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev12345678...21NextAlbano's VillaProfileAlbanosVilla.com1612 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-0571Fax: 219-879-3339EmailJames Albano, Jr., Owner; EmailRestaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & Bars, Catering ServicesAlderson PhotographyProfileAldersonPhoto.com13 N Washington StreetValparaiso, IN 46383219-406-2917EmailWe specialize in Sports team and individual photography, preschool and elementary school, and Commercial and Event Photography.Joel Alderson, Owner; EmailPhotography & Portrait StudiosAlick's Home MedicalProfileAlicks.com3219 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-1000Fax: 219-879-1917EmailOriginal Pharmacies established in 1968, Home Health Care established 1982Friendly and knowledgeable staff, featuring Registered and Certified Respiratory Therapists, Rehab Technology and other health care specialists.Tammy Krueger; EmailHome Health Care, Assisted Living & Eldercare Services, Health & Wellness Sales & ServicesAllegius Credit UnionProfileAllegius.org1015 E. US Highway 20Michigan City, IN 46360219-879-8807Fax: 219-879-8827EmailNot-for-profit financial cooperative.Banking & Financial InstitutionsAlpha StorageProfileAlphaStorage.com1002 Green StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-336-8132EmailWe specialize in private, indoor warehousing/storage of goods, vehicles and boats for residential, commercial and industrial concerns. Industrial and commercial space leasing is also available.Joseph Conway, Managing Partner; EmailJuliene Hendricks, Managing Partner; EmailStorage & Rental ServicesAlzheimer's Association of Greater #. 81st Ave., Suite 2Merrillville, IN 46410219-472-1860EmailNot-for-Profit.Julie Moore; EmailNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsAmerican Limousine Service Inc.ProfileAmericanLimo.org3805 Candlewood DriveValparaiso, IN 46385219-464-7572EmailReservationsProvide chauffeured door to door transportation to all airports and other various destinationsANTHONY GALLINATTI, President; EmailTransportation, Distribution, & LogisticsAmerican Red Cross - Northwest Indiana ChapterProfileRedCross.org113 Warren RdMichigan City, IN 46360888-684-1441EmailThe American Red Cross Indiana Region Chapter is a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides disaster relief and helps people during disasters.Miss Sarah Moss, Executive Director; EmailNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsAnam Cara CounselingProfilewww.AnamCaraStables.org4298 E. 1000 NorthLa Porte, IN 46350219-207-7222EmailMental Health ServicesStacey Garcelon, M.Ed., LMHCA, NCC, Director; EmailNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & Associations, Mental & Behavioral Health ServicesAnchorPoint Insurance SolutionsProfileAnchorPointIns.com425 Sand Creek Drive NSte BChesterton, IN 46304219-338-2090EmailWe provide competitively priced insurance products and priceless advice on how these products protect you when major or minor disasters or catastrophes disrupt your life.Jon Winey, Managing Partner; EmailInsurance CompaniesAndover Management, LLCProfileIGCRE.com320 E 90th Drive Suite AMerrillville, IN 46410219-738-2332EmailAndover Management, LLC excels in expertly managing multifamily residential properties, ensuring optimal living experiences for tenants and maximum returns for property owners. With a focus on efficiency, tenant satisfaction, and strategic financial management, we elevate the standard of multifamily property management, making us the preferred choice for landlords seeking excellence.Housing & Apartment RentalsAnthony Adams HouseProfilewww.aa-house.orgP.O. Box 262Michigan City, IN 46360219-214-6505EmailNot-for-profit shelter for homeless and runaway youth between the ages of 13 and 18.Candice Nelson, Executive Director; EmailNon-Profits, Clubs, Organizations & AssociationsThe Antique MarketProfileTheAntiqueMarketMC.com3707 Frontage RoadMichigan City, IN 46360219-879-4084Fax: 219-879-2082EmailOver 140 Dealers under one roof come together to sell ONLY quality antiques and collectibles. No new or craft items.Kyra Niegos, Manager; EmailJohn Small, Owner; EmailRetail & Department StoresAperion Care Arbors Michigan CityProfileAperionCare.com1101 E. Coolspring AvenueMichigan City, IN 46360219-874-5211Fax: 219-872-6253Email24/7 Skilled nursing health care provider with a secure Alzheimer's/dementia unit, long-term care and rehab to home unit. In addition, speech, physical and occupational in and out-patient therapy is offered.Home Health Care, Assisted Living & Eldercare Services, Occupational Health & Wellness ServicesApex Muffler & BrakeProfileApexAutoRepair.com2308 Franklin StreetMichigan City, IN 46360219-872-0601Fax: 219-872-0958EmailGeorge Xidias, Owner; EmailAutomobile Dealers, Repair & Service CentersApollo Printing and Graphics CenterProfileApolloPrinting.com731 S. Michigan StreetSouth Bend, IN 46601574-287-3707Fax: 574-288-5373Tim Teets, Account Executive/Sales; EmailCopy, Printing & Graphic Design ServicesApplegate & Company, CPAProfileAppleCPA.com1421 S. Woodland AvenueMichigan City, IN 46360219-871-7880Fax: 219-879-0135EmailCertified Public Accountants.Megan Applegate, CPA; EmailPaul Applegate, CPA; EmailAccounting, Bookkeeping, & Tax ServicesAran Kessler Photo.ImagingProfileKesslerPhoto.netValparaiso, IN 46383312-399-9774EmailCommercial Photography and Videography for business advertisingAran Kessler, Owner; EmailPhotography & Portrait StudiosArbor Glen Apartment HomesProfileIGCRE.com221 Barker Road, Apt. 110Michigan City, IN 46360219-872-2220Fax: 219-872-2494EmailApartment community with 253 - 1 & 2 bedroom units. Some buildings with elevators.Christine Cook, Manager; EmailJeannette Dukich, Assistant Manager; EmailHousing & Apartment RentalsArby's RestaurantProfileArbys.com204 W. US Hwy 20Michigan City, IN 46360219-879-0500EmailRestaurantRestaurants, Cafes, Taverns, Pubs, & BarsNew SearchPrev12345678...21NextChamber Members | Chamber Events Calendar | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Postings & Volunteer Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | Request Information Upcoming EventsFri14 Annual Chamber Awards DinnerMar 14th @ 5:00 PMThu20 Rockstar BingoMar 20th @ 5:30 PMTue25 Business Before Hours: Fluid Coffee RoastersMar 25th @ 8:00 AMTue25 Ribbon Cutting: Diamond Martial Arts & FitnessMar 25th @ 3:00 PMThu27 Leaders and Readers Book ClubMar 27th @ 4:00 PM 2025 Diamond, Platinum, & Gold Members